Best Goods Right Places


We bring together the best Brand with the right Retail

Dambho is the platform that connects small and medium brand producers with retail businesses. We ensure that the best products are sold in the right places, providing verified commercial spaces to manufacturers and opening new sourcing opportunities and profit increases for retailers
Register on Dambho in a few simple steps.
Find the ideal combination for your needs.
Offer your products or make sales spaces available.

Limitless Benefits


Position your products in new geographic areas and increase your market presence.
Make more people know and recognize your brand and your products.
Show your products in high-traffic places, increasing visibility.
Optimize your marketing budget by choosing the distribution channels that align with your needs.
Increase retail profits.


Increase in Customer Engagement. Engage your customers more, boosting interest.
Generate additional income by making better use of the spaces within your store.
Customer loyalty with products that are always new and in line with their needs.
High turnover of different brands on your store’s shelves.
Explore new products risk-free at all times.

Get ready for a new form of distribution

Dambho represents the ideal environment in which brands and retailers can establish profitable connections, intersecting optimal commercial spaces for product promotion.

For brands, this platform represents an alternative solution for a strategic distribution of their products and an opportunity for business expansion. Whether you are a small manufacturer looking for effective investment management or a medium-sized producer with ambitions to enter the B2C business, Dambho is the choice!

For retailers, Dambho provides the opportunity to develop a dynamic strategy that involves a constant turnover of products perfectly in line with their audience's preferences. This targeted approach helps to solidify customer loyalty, enabling them to access the latest market trends and exclusive products, ultimately increasing customer engagement and building strong long-term relationships.

New opportunities await you on Dambho